One of Doyens of healthcare in Tamil Nadu

July 5, 2024 DEVADASS FACILITIES One of Doyens of healthcare in Tamil Nadu Devadoss multispeciality Hospital was recognized by the The Hindu and Govt of Tamil Nadu, as one of Doyens of healthcare in Tamil Nadu. The award and recognition was handed over to Dr Hema Sathish and Dr Sathish Devadoss by Honourable Governor Shri Purohit, in presence of Honourable Health Minister Dr.Vijayabhaskar, Ex Governor Shri Gopalakrishna Gandhi, Shri N Ram of The Hindu and Health Secretary Dr RadhaKrishnan. Related Posts May 1, 2023/ Unwanted Hair emoval Unwanted hair removal becomes crucial when growth occurs in unexpected areas. While laser treatment is widely discussed, a detailed description… Read More May 1, 2023/ Aging Process Aging is a natural process which starts from the day one is born. Despite this truth no one can accept… Read More May 1, 2023/ Management of Fractures What is Fracture? Bones are living tissues with nerves, blood supply and marrow inside. When the bone is broken (called… Read More May 1, 2023/ Common Shoulder Joint Injuries The shoulder joint, a versatile ball and socket joint, permits a broad range of movements, contrasting with the hip joint.… Read More
Immune system and Immune response

We don’t constantly fall sick, though we are attacked by harmful diseases caused bacterias and viruses in our daily life. That is because the immune system works together and provides defense against infection. The cells and the proteins collaborate with the immune system and are guided throughout the body to fight against any infection. The immune system destroys the antigens found in drugs, chemicals, and other foreign particles. INNATE IMMUNE RESPONSE: Innate immune response is the first to attack against any infection. They are prominent and they don’t need any training as they rely on the cells, which include neutrophils, monocytes, natural killer and the set of proteins. Innate immune response happens naturally and they in fact alert and trigger the adaptive response. Even an infant has an innate immune response and it happens to be the most prominent one. ADAPTIVE IMMUNE RESPONSE: Adaptive immune response happens with the help of T cells and B cells and these require a training in not attacking their own cells. At the same time, adaptive response once gained experience has the ability to alert and fight against the new germs. T cells are said to remember the viruses that have encountered the body earlier and it fights much more vigorous when the body has infected again with the same virus. HOW DOES IT WORK? When antigens enter the body, the cells work together and alert the B lymphocytes about the presence of antigens. The B lymphocytes produce the antibodies and these antibodies stays in the person’s body so that he doesn’t get infected with the same antigen again. The destruction of the antigen happens only with the help of T cells, and hence T cells are called as killer cells. IMMUNITY ACQUIRED AND NATURAL T and B cells become the memory cells, where they recognize the antigen which has previously attacked the body and hence they have acquired the immunity to demolish it back again when the same antigen visits the body again. It is also said immunity is also influenced by inherited genes and the response to the antigens varies from person to person. An immune response is also influenced by immunization with vaccines, where the vaccines contain the micro organisms which can provoke an immune response. Immunity is also transferred via injection, antiserum, when injected, protects the body as it is rich in antibodies. Infants though born with a weak immune response are naturally protected with the antibodies they gained from their mother before birth. Even breast milk contains the needed antibodies. DISORDERS OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM THERE ARE CERTAIN DISORDERS THAT HAPPEN WHEN THE IMMUNE SYSTEM FAILS: ALLERGIC DISEASES: Immune system respond to a false alarm where even the harmless material like grass pollen and dust are found as life threatening infection and are attacked. IMMUNE COMPLEXES:This is where the antibodies and antigens get interlocked, circulate throughout the body and get trapped in kidney, lungs or blood vessels. This might lead to inflammation and tissue damage. IMMUNODEFICIENCY DISORDER: When the immune system fails, it leads to immunodeficiency which can affect any part of the body, HIV infection, and Malnutrition develops the complications due to immunodeficiency. Adopting a healthy lifestyle, eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, controlling the blood pressure, and adequate sleep maintains a healthy immune system. Read More: Neurlogical Disorder | Medical Emergency | Plastic Surgery
Neck Pain

The term “ pain in the Neck” shows how much of an irritation this neck pain is. Neck pain is of different causes but most of them settles. It is also one of the most common work place diseases next only to low back ache.The neck has a bony spinal column protecting the spinal cord and nerves. The bones are supported by muscles and ligaments which play a key role in supporting the head.The neck is prone to lot of injuries because of its very precarious position compared to the rest of the spine. Neck pain can occur in any age groups from the third decade: it can also occur in either sexes. How the Neck Pain Occurs? Neck pain can occur due to injuries, degeneration of spine, disc disorders, Postural arthritis or rarely in cancers. Injuries: Because of its very wide range of movement, the neck is prone to lot of injuries, especially in high velocity road traffic accidents, sports and games. The neck can also get injured in falling from heights. The spinal cord is tightly enclosed in the spinal canal and can be injured when the neck bones are broken or dislocated. If the spinal cord is injured then paralysis of the limbs can occur which mandates immediate surgery. Degeneration of Spine: The very common “ cervical spondylosis” is degeneration of neck joints and the intervertebral discs. As we age and work, there is wear and tear of the joints and the soft disc in between two bones. This often leads to pain. Pain here is due to the degenerated bones and joints pinching the nerves and muscles causing radiating pain to shoulder, upper back or even back of head. Very often pain due to degeneration decreaseswith physiotherapy, medicines, exercises and modification of lifestyle. Very rarely if the pressure on a nerve is so high to cause weakness or loss of sensation, surgery may be indicated. Disc Disorders: There are seven neck bones and between each bone is a soft rubbery structure called as a disc. This disc acts as a shock absorber and aids in movements as well. Sometimes due to over work or lifting heavy weights or due to injury, the disc may bulge out from its original position and press on the nerve or spinal cord. When this happens there is a sharp shooting pain from the neck to shoulder, arm or even up to the finger tips.When the compression is more on the nerve, then the pain may be associated with numbness & weakness of muscles. This is an extreme case and may require surgery. However most people with disc disease of the neck tend to live with it with occasional pain. With correct postural habits, and by not overstraining along with neck exercises prescribed by the doctor or physiotherapist, neck pain can be avoided. Most often a course of pain killers, muscle relaxants, physiotherapy and rest will suffice. Surgery: When it comes to surgery for disc disorders, the offending disc is removed and imp lace a piece of bone taken from else where is placed and fixed with plate and screws. Alternatively an artificial disc can also be kept in carefully selected individuals.Disc disorders are very common in the general people so it is mandatory to avoid some strenuous activities. When there is shaped to cradle the head and neck. Avoid sleeping on sides which may cause strain on one side of the neck. If you are working on a computer make sure the monitor and eye level are same. Have a comfortable chair to avoid low back pain as well. Neck Pain due to infection: In our country, tuberculosis can come in any form and not uncommonly it can affect the spinal bones. The tuberculosis(TB) bacteria, travels though the blood and affects the spinal bones and the disc between them. There may be destruction of bone and disc and pus formation which may press on the spinal cord and cause quadriplegia.Severe neck pain not controlled with rest and pain killers are to be seen with a high degree of suspicion. An MRI scan will reveal if there is any infection along with some blood tests. Once TB of spine is diagnosed, surgery to remove the pus and cleaning of dead tissue is to be performed and medicines for TB is to be started. Cancers of bone in neck: Very rarely cancer of the bone or the spinal cord can occur in the neck which may lead to intractable pain which gradually increases and there may be weakness and numbness of hands & feet. Again x-ray, MRI and CT scan may reveal the cancer and remedial measures are to be started.Most often neck pain arises due to strain, disc disorders or degeneration and nearly 95% of patients can be managed without surgery with medicines, physiotherapy and modification of lifestyle. However those who develop symptoms of weakness, numbness and MRI proven disorders may require surgery immediately to alleviate these symptoms. Also Read: Vascular Surgeon hospital in madurai | Psychiatrist hospital in madurai
Common Shoulder Joint Injuries

The shoulder joint, a versatile ball and socket joint, permits a broad range of movements, contrasting with the hip joint. Common Shoulder Joint Injuries can occur when the fine ligaments holding it in place face stress, or if there’s dysfunction in the crucial rotator cuff muscles surrounding the shoulder The injuries to the joint can be broken bone or dislocated. In sports persons and people of certain occupations the muscles holding the joints together can get injured, called rotator cuff injury. In some throwing sports a muscle can be pulled off the socket bone called as SLAP lesion (What Sachin Tendulkar had). Common Shoulder Joint Injuries: Understanding Dislocation and Rotator Cuff Tears Dislocation of Shoulder: The shoulder joint is prone to recurrent dislocation if this treatment is not followed. When is there recurrent dislocation while swimming, putting on a shirt or blouse then surgery is indicated? Here the torn parts of ligaments are reattached to the bone and tightened to prevent further dislocation. This can be done by keyhole surgery (Arthroscopy). The shoulder joint is a highly mobile joint, so a compromise on stability is present. In some injuries the shoulder can dislocate i.e., the ball & socket are separated due to tearing of the muscles and ligaments holding it together. In some instance the bone can be broken as well, whenever there is a dislocation the joint has to be put back in position by an orthopedic surgeon under anesthesia. After this maneuver the joint has to be immobilized for 3 weeks for the torn ligaments and muscles to heal, after are to be started to gain movement and achieve muscle strength to prevent further dislocations. Rotator cuff: The rotator cuff is a fine set of muscles around the shoulder joint which helps in stabilizing the shoulder joint. As mentioned in earlier article the shoulder joint is a shallow ball & socket joint and it requires stabilization by muscles and ligaments. The rotator cuff muscles attach around the joint like a hood and acts at different movements, preventing the joint from dislocations. But in some instances the rotator cuff muscles may be injured leading to pain and loss of function of the shoulder joint. The injuries to the rotator cuff can be due to accidents during sports or road traffic accidents; or it may occur in older individuals due to wear & tear of the joints in close proximity to the rotator cuff. Usually the tear of the rotator cuff is due to a fall on the shoulder directly and not on an outstretched hand. There is immediate pain and inability to lift the arm due to pain. The amount of tear of the cuff determines whether the person can lift his arm or not. Sometimes the tear may be small and the shoulder hurts in certain positions only. The shoulder pain may be disabling in those doing over head activities. If the tear is severe then the arm drops down when held up by the other hand, and no muscle power is present. Rotator cuff tears can be diagnosed by your orthopaedician by careful examination. Ultrasound scan or Magnetic Resonance Imaging Scan (MRI) may show the tear clearly and help in formulating the treatment plan. In the younger individual if the tear is severe then surgery is a better option. Here the torn part of the muscle is sutured back and physiotherapy instituted to strengthen muscle and to gain full range of motion of shoulder. The surgery can be performed either by a mini incision or by keyhole surgery the results of the former being more consistent. In sports persons with overhead activities the rotator cuff is constantly put into repetitive stresses of the same kind. This may lead to inflammation and tears. These cause a lot of pain loss of form and function in professional sports persons. A well tailored physiotherapy regime of rest, hot/cold treatments, muscle strengthening, muscle training, local steroid injections and other medications suffice. In the elderly the most common cause of this rotator cuff tear is degeneration (wear & tear) of the joint formed by the collar bone & shoulder blade which is in close proximity to the rotator cuff. The degenerated joint rubs over the rotator cuff causing tears which are very painful. Most often the older individuals do well with physiotherapy, local steroid injections & medications. However in some the pain is so severe and the bone keeps rubbing the muscles, then surgery indicated to trim the bone and repair the tear. Again this can be done by keyhole surgery or by mini-incision (mini – open) surgery. Read More: Management of Fractures | Fractures In Children | Bone Fractures
Management of Fractures

What is Fracture? Bones are living tissues with nerves, blood supply and marrow inside. When the bone is broken (called fracture), there is a lot of pain, bleeding from the bone and loss of function. Fractures of different bones have to be managed differently. Also the type of fractures influences the management of fractures. Types of Fractures: Closed Fractures: Closed fractures are those when the bone is broken but there are no cuts on the skin through which the bone can come out. Open Fractures: Open fractures are those broken bone is in contact with the external atmosphere. Open fractures have to be managed as an emergency because of the contamination occurring to the bone when in contact with al the bacteria in the air, ground etc., Most open fractures of the limbs need to be operated upon immediately after cleaning with antiseptics and clean solutions. As emphasized earlier, open fractures are emergencies and need to be operated soon to prevent infection. Infection of bones is persistent and sometimes can recur again & again. Management of Fractures: The main aim of fracture management is to get near normal anatomy and return to previous level of activity as soon as possible. These goals are possible today with advanced equipments, better materials and highly qualified orthopedic surgeons. Plaster of Paris: Some fractures may be treated without surgery with only a plaster of Paris cast. This may be possible in some fractures of the wrist, shoulder, collar bone & foot fractures. But in all these the broken ends must be approximated, in line in all planes and stay in position after plaster is applied. If these criteria are not satisfied then surgery is mandatory. Metallic Implants: In orthopedic surgery, for fractures the broken bones are held together and in proper alignment with the help of metallic plates, screws, rods, wires & nails. These are made of special grade stainless steel or titanium metal, which are compatible to the body and cause no reactions. These metallic implants can be removed after the bone has healed by minor surgeries. Some of the implants may be left in place. Newer implants called “bio degradable” implants have the capacity to dissolve inside the body one the fracture heals. Surgery: Recently more and more biological techniques have been introduced to allow the bones to heal naturally by themselves with minimal surgical trauma at the fracture site. This is possible in long bones of the lower limbs where rods are introduced inside the bone from the top of the bone or bottom with the help of special techniques and not to open the fracture site. This helps the bone to heal naturally and faster allowing movements of the adjacent joints. So the patient is up & about with crutches by second day. Also the cuts made on the skin are minimized. Read More: Fractures In Children | fracture surgery
Aging Process

Aging is a natural process which starts from the day one is born. Despite this truth no one can accept getting older. The fountain of youth isAccording to research there are two types of aging Intrinsic aging: Is determined by the genes one processes. It is a continues process that normally begins as early as one mid 20’s. The changes within the skin are slow production of collagen, lesser elasticity and slower dead skin remover. Though this process gradually increases it is not shown for decades together.One can seen fine lines wide poses , tough skin, black spots initially then as times goes there are loss of fat and have hollow in check & eye sockets.Graying of hair is also sign of aging. Extrinsic aging: is determined by the external factors one skins is exposed to the most culprit is the sunlight . There are many other factors which add on to aging process. Repetitive face expression, gravity, sleeping position and smoking. Smoking causes bio chemical changes in one body thatPhoto aging is the dermatological caused due to exposure to sunlight. It depends on the skin colour, the light the colour more the damage and the time to skin exposure over a period of time. The noticeable changes seen on the skin are dark spots, rough leathering skin fine wrinkles, action (thick Walt like rough patches) Few tips to avoid aging process: Intrinsic aging process cannot be stopped. But the extrinsic factors can be avoided. Protecting skin from sunlight by using a sun scream or protective clothing or avoid sunlight from to 3.00pm when the rays are the strongest. Quitting smoking, avoiding unnecessary expression on the face will also help. With the knowledge on the process of aging and the modern equipments one can after a series of treatments to slow down and improvise the signs of aging. Topical creams: The market is flooded with antiaging creams which promises a lot. How well do these work? It depends on what age one has started using . What you plan to treat with the cream and along with that what skin care you follow. Never use products which sting and do not combine products to get better result as this may irritate the skin. Most product take 4 -6 weeks to show results. Using gentle cleansers and moistures if necessary. Sun protection is important in all these treatments. Several cosmetics procedure can be pick under th4 guidance of a cosmetic dermatologist. Botuli Rejuvenation: Commonly called Botox, This procedure is used to erase lines on the face caused due to the facial muscle movement. It involve a few injections (with fine needles) on the areas where the wrinkles are there like forehead, brows feet ( around eyes) and from lines more. Chemical peeling: this is a very common procedure which can be done on face, back chest, hands and neck. There is improvement in the of the skin and colour. It improves dark spots, dull complextion, rough skin and wide poles. There are a wide range of peels to pick. Depending on what changes need to be seen the peel can be. Chemical peeling: this is a very common procedure which can be done on face, back chest, hands and neck. There is improvement in the of the skin and colour. It improves dark spots, dull complextion, rough skin and wide poles. There are a wide range of peels to pick. Depending on what changes need to be seen the peel can be. Learn More: Functions of Skin | Summer skin problems| Skin Doctor in madurai
Functions of Skin

The skin, our body’s largest organ, is a marvel of complexity, seamlessly balancing multiple functions essential for our well-being. In this exploration of the “Functions of Skin,” we embark on a journey through the intricacies of this vital organ’s roles. Beyond its obvious protective barrier, the skin serves as a dynamic interface with the environment, regulating temperature, defending against pathogens, and providing sensory experiences. Join us as we uncover the diverse functions of the skin, shedding light on its remarkable capabilities and offering insights into how understanding these functions can pave the way for effective skincare and overall health. Read More our Specialiities: Skin Doctor in Madurai Skin performs numerous functions and the important ones are: Read More: Summer skin problems | vitamin D Facts

Hirsutism can be defined as the presence of excessive coarse terminal hairs in a human body. Many women worldwide of reproductive age are hirsute with male like coarse excess hair growth. This excess growth of hair on face and body is often a cause of social stigma, giving rise to psychological problems like distress, anxiety, depression and a miserable life Hirsutism happens from increased androgen actions on hair follicles. Hair growth varies with race or species. There may be serious pathological reasons other than these like tumors, late-onset adrenal hyperplasia, Polycystic ovary, Cushing’s syndrome and such other conditions. The causes of increased androgen level in Hirsutism include: Familial and idiopathic hirsutism.Heredity is the most common cause of hirsutism and seems to run in families. Some families that are genetically predisposed will have more than “average” amounts of hair, while others tend to have less. The patients have normal menses, normal testosterone level, 17alpha hydroxyprogesterone and DHEAS. Excess secretion by the ovaries (For example tumors, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)) Polycystic ovary syndrome affects 6% women of the reproductive age bracket. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is typified by formation of follicular cysts, which are detected by ultrasound. PCOS is a combination of polycystic ovaries and other typical symptoms like hirsutism, abnormal uterine bleeding, infertility, obesity, irregular menstrual cycles and acne. This is better diagnosed clinically rather than laboratory findings. In case of thyroid problems also hair can grow abnormally. Several different medical factors may contribute to hirsutism such as hormonal imbalances. Hair follicles that are overly sensitive to the male hormones called androgens, or abnormally high levels of testosterone can contribute to excessive hair growth in women. Some medications can be associated with hirsutism such as postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy, which contains testosterone; or Danazol, a drug used to treat endometriosis, may also stimulate excessive hair growth. Other medical factors include endocrine abnormalities, ovarian lesions, adrenal disorders, and use of androgenic steroids. There are several treatments available for hair romoval.One has to treat the cause of the problem and then simultaneously go ahead with the cosmetic treatment. Once diagnosed with hirsutism, patients are placed on individualized treatment plans that may include oral contraceptives and Aldactone. Women, who have PCOS, and elevated insulin levels, may be placed on Glucophage (metformin). There are several methods to get rid of hair: Cream: There are some creams available which help loss of hair temporarly.It will help till one uses the creams.The cream is applied for 4 hours twice daily may decrease hair growth after only 8 weeks of therapy. Shaving or clipping with scissors: is the fastest temporary hair removal method and will not promote hair growth. Tweezing and waxing : The worst techniques producing thicker, darker and denser follicles. Also the skin may develop acne, ingrown hairs, folliculitis and scarring. Electrolysis : For hair removal it involves insertion of sterile probes into the hair shaft followed by heat and/or chemical treatment. This necessitates frequent sessions and multiple treatments per follicle. Scarring, hypopigmentation, and skin puckering can result if not performed correctly. Read More: Unwanted hair removal | Summer skin problems Laser hair removal: Laser hair removal is a permanent and effective method of hair removal.Some common queries about laser hair removal are: 1. How does hair get removed?Ans: The laser beam is focused on the area where hair has to be removed. This light energy is absorbed by the root of the hair and this light energy is transferred to heat energy which cause the loss of hair. 2. How many times does one need to do the laser?Ans: Hair growing in the body are in 3 phases of the hair cycle at any given point of time – Anagen phase (growing phase), Catagen (resting phase) and Telogen (Falling phase). This laser targets the hair which is in the anagen phase only. So one usually needs 5-7 sittings which is determined after examination of the patient. 3. Are there any side effects?Ans: A good quality of equipment and a well trained Laser person can avoid any side effects. 4. How much is the treatment time?Ans: It depends entirely on the size of the area covered. This can be anything between 2 minutes to few hours. The whole body can be treated within few hours. 5. After the treatment what precautions should one take?Ans: One can continue with their routine work immediately after treatment. Usage of sunscreen for a minimum period of 3 weeks is a must. 6. What parts of the body can be treated with the laser?Ans: Any part of the body can be treated with the Laser even areas like the face, hands, legs, back, breast, under arm, etc can be treated with the laser.
Risk of topical compounds in new born skin

As the tender skin of newborns demands special care and attention, understanding the potential risks associated with topical compounds becomes paramount for parents and caregivers. The phrase “Risk of topical compounds” encompasses a spectrum of concerns related to skincare products applied to delicate infant skin. In this discussion, we delve into the factors contributing to these risks, shed light on the vulnerabilities of newborn skin, and offer insights to help make informed choices in safeguarding the health and well-being of your precious little one. Let’s navigate the risk of topical compounds and their impact on newborn skin for a safer and healthier start to your baby’s skincare journey. Compound Product Concern Triclosan Liquid deodarent Soaps The risk of toxication seen with phenolic compounds Povidine – iodine Topical antiseptic (Betadine) Hypothyroidism, goiter Isopropyl alcohol (Under occlusion) Topical anti-septic Cutaneous haemorrhagic necrosis Propylaxglycol Emollients cleansing agents Excessive internal & para using risk of hyperosnolality & seizures Benzothonium chloride Skin cleansers Poisoning ingestion carcino genesis Glycerin Emollients cleansing agents Hyperosnolality & Seizure Amonium Lactate Exfolliants, emollients Possible lactic acidosis Coaltar Shampoos, topical anti-inflammatory ointments Excessive use of polycystic aromatic hydrocarbons: risk of cancer Salicyclic acid Shampooos Keratolytic emollients Metabolic acidosis, salicyclism Read More: Infant Feeding Practice | Breastfeeding techniques | Fractures In Children
Summer Skin Problems

Some skin problems occur during some spread during summer of a face existing skin problems get averse during summer Fungal & bacterial infections are the most common to occur because they better in humid weather and areas where there is less as in folds of the skin. People who wear fight clothes and synthetic clothes during summer and shoes for long time. Having bath twice per day and changing clothes twice per day. Dusting powder in the body creases will help reducing the occurrence of fungal infection. Pity asis vesicular is another common fungal infection occurring during summer. It present with while patches in the back & chest. Bacterial infection: Impefigo cantagiosac is a common fungal infection seen in mostly in the younger age group. Often occurs on the face, neck and hands. Common seasons for getting the inspection are pets, dirty finger nails and other kids. Scratures or the infected spot will spread the infection to other parts. Good hygiene and cutting nails regularly is helpful Millaria: Commonly known as prickly head. It is caused due to blocking of the flow of sweat from the sweat glands. It can be very itching and painful at times. It will increase due to friction of clothes. Forehead, body folds, upper back and chest, abdomen and are common sites. Dusting helps in normal cases. If it gets then one need s to see the doctor. There is a wide range of treatment of skin of which few include the topical anti Benzeyl Acne scars are classified as macular scars Depressed scars face pick scars are most common which are narrowed the base Rolling scars are distensible with gentle sloping edges itchment to the dermis and difficult to treat. Boxcar scars are shallow punched and wide and base is also wide Hypertrophic scars: Keloids, back papules and brodging scars and sinus tracts are seen in severe acne. These are matter of cancel in skin types they are a real challenge to treat.Intense pulse light is a very effective treatment It has a pulse width of 420 – 980 and has various filters. When the light towards the skin the light is caps to treat energy which destroys the bacteria and a shrink of the inflamed sebacc PuMany abalative procedure s available is takes a long time to heal and has a increased risk of complications. Erkin facing CO2 laser result facing has good result a lot of pigmentary problems are seen in one skin types. Fractionated erkin and Co2 are the ulcer lasers available of which CO2 resurfacing takes a long time to heal and can lead of hyperpigmentation. Erkin pixel laser is the are which balances the treatment to the maxim extend and reduces side effects to the maximum. It has aware lengh of 2940. It causes microthermal alba with of normal skin., Healing usually occurs in 3 -4 days and complicated is more. Read More: vitamin D Facts | Neurlogical Disorder | Carpal Tunnel Syndrome