Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring

Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring (IONM). At the forefront of medical advancements, IONM plays a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and success of various surgeries, especially those involving the nervous system. Spine surgery: Spine surgery is increasingly being performed the world over. With advances in technology, surgery of the spine and spinal cord is increasingly becoming safer than it used to be earlier. Spine and Spinal cord- Vital Organs However, it is important to remember that the spine is the bony enclosure that surrounds and protects the spinal cord.Millions of nerves and neurons are originating from the spinal cord which is responsible for many actions taking place in our body.It is the second most important organ in the human body next to our brain.It controls many activities in our body like walking and so on. Effects of the carelessness of spine and spinal cord operation: During surgery on the spine or direct surgery of the spinal cord, it is likely that the spinal cord and the nerve roots that exit from the spinal cord can get damaged. If this unfortunate event happens, then the patient may be left with the weakness of the arms , legs as well as the inability to control urinary bladder and bowel functions. The chance of such injury happening during spine surgery is more when performing complex spine surgeries such as surgery of the craniovertebral junction, i.e. the junction of the skull and the spine where the brain becomes continuous with the spinal cord. Such unfortunate events can also happen when operating on tumors that afflict the spinal cord or its surroundings. Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring during complex spine surgery: Recently, surgeons operating on the spine and spinal cord have started using what is known as Intraoperative Neurophysiological Monitoring. Using this technique, it is possible to continuously monitor the function of the spinal cord during surgery. A neurophysiologist specifically trained to perform intraoperative monitoring will perform the monitoring technique. Using this technique, he/she will be able to warn the surgeon that changes in the electrophysiological activity of the spinal cord that will lead to postoperative problems. Hence, the chance of patient developing fresh problems after surgery will be decreased greatly. There are several techniques for intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring Techniques used: SSEP (somatosensory evoked potentials) which monitor the sensory pathways, Tc MEP (Transcranial motor evoked potential) where electrodes are placed on the surface of the patient’s skull and the stimulation is used to monitor the motor pathways that are responsible for the movements of the limbs, Triggered EMG (Electromyography) where individual nerve roots are stimulated to find out their functionality. Coordinated Teamwork , fruitful result: The operating team should discuss among themselves the appropriate technique needed for each patient before the surgery. There should be close coordination between the surgeon, the anesthesiologist and the neurophysiologist from the beginning to the end of the surgery. Such coordination will help reduce the chance of an adverse outcome and vastly improve the chances of patient’s successful recovery from Complex Spine Surgery. Thus Intraoperative Neurophysical Monitoring during complex spine surgery will lead to successful spine and spinal cord surgery by the good team work. Also Read: Quit Smoking Habit | Prenatal Screening | vitiligo treatment
Common Orthopedic Problems in Children

Orthopedic problems in children are common. As time passes, one may notice that your child’s growth isn’t completely on the straight and narrow. As kids grow, some of these conditions correct themselves without treatment. Others don’t or become more severe because of other medical conditions. Some of the deformities include: The above are the common complaints the parents have Orthopedic problems in children. PARENT’S ASPIRATIONS: Every parent aspires to see their child to be a doctor,engineer,police officer or to join the army one day .The in-laws and the relatives will comment about the child and exaggerate the problem and accuse the poor mother for the child’s condition.This pathetic situation will put the parents into the trouble thinking about their future. INTOEING WALKING: Occasionally, toe walking should not be cause for concern, but kids who walk on their toes almost all the time and continue to do so after age 3 should see a doctor. This makes the parents raise the question whether it will cause the child the permanent disability or the condition will interfere with child’s physical performance. The common cause for this increase in the angle of forefeet (metatarsus adductus), increased tibial torsion(leg bone twisted internally) and increased femoral anteversion(increase in the angle of neck of thigh bone more towards the front) are often due to the children sitting in the W-shaped position and will never sit in the cross-legged position.These minor issues need not be treated .The only thing the parent have to do is to see the child does not sit in the W position. In the mean time intoeing will improve and assurance of parents will suffice. THE LIMPING CHILD: Limping: Limping is common in children and it becomes a diagnostic challenge for the orthopaedic surgeon (surgeon who has been educated and trained in the diagnosis and preoperative, operative, and postoperative treatment of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system.) Commonly affected age group: It is common for children between the age group of 1 and half years to 2 and half years. They are more prone to this because they could often fall. This fall may sustain contusion around the hip , knee or leg. This may also cause some hairline crack in leg bones. This becomes an adverse condition when their parents did not notice the fall and if the child did not express the pain or give the history of fall. A painless and painful limp can be caused by myriad conditions,with the differential diagnosis ranging from the benign (example: an unrecognized thorn or splinter in the foot) to the serious (example: infection in the joints and bones). BOW LEGS:(GENU VARUM) Bow legs are extremely common in paediatric deformity and parents seek evaluation even though it is rarely symptomatic in the age group (younger than two years) in which it is common. There are different categories in this. They are given below Categories: Among these physiologic bow legs is more common Physiologic genu varum (bow legs): Physiologic genu varum resolves spontaneously within 24 months . Parents are assured that the condition is usually self-correcting but reevaluation with X-rays may the warranted if the varus deformity persists or progresses beyond 24 months old. KNOCK KNEES:(GENU VALGUM): Prone age group: The maximal amount of physiologic valgus occurs between the ages of 2 and 4, especially in children who are obese. Symptoms: This may be associated with flat feet. This symptom is seen in this deformity. Healing period: Same as that of Physiologic genu varum, this genu valgus also gets corrected gradually by 4 years only parents are reassured but the children must be kept under observation. Also Read: Fractures In Children | Bone Fractures
Unwanted Hair emoval

Unwanted hair removal becomes crucial when growth occurs in unexpected areas. While laser treatment is widely discussed, a detailed description can empower you to choose the best solution for transforming unwanted hair into a thing of the past. What is the laser?Laser means light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. What is Hirsutism?Excessive growth of facial or body hair (like male pattern) in women is called Hirsutism. What is the cause for it?Unwanted hair growth can stem from various causes, often linked to increased androgen levels or underlying medical conditions. Whether triggered by hormones, medications, or idiopathic factors, understanding the root cause is essential for effective unwanted hair removal solutions Can Hirsuitism be hereditary?Yes, it can be. At times there is fine hair all over the body called hypertrichosis. How does laser work in hair removal?The laser beam, when passing through the skin, will pass through the melanocytes (pigment cells) which are maximum in the hair roots.Once it is absorbed it transfer into heat energy which destroys the hair roots. A very good cooling device is needed so that surrounding skin does not get damaged. Contact cooling is necessary as it will constantly cool the skin and does not allow the transferred heat energy to damage the surrounding cells. What are all the types of laser for hair removal? Laser expert can decide which laser will be effective depending on the type of the skin. Are lasers suited for dark skin? Yes. There are many lasers suited for darker skin. A laser expert with good experience will be able to pick the best laser which will suit your skin. Darker the skin more the caution in treatment as dark skin tends to burn very easily and scar. That is why lasers with constant cooling during and after the procedure are best suited for darker skin types. How many sessions of treatment are needed for total hair loss?Normally, body hair is in three phases. Laser beam targets hair at anagen(rapid hair growth stage) of growth. So number session must be determined by the laser expert. Usually, 90-95% of the hair is lost and it needs 9-5 sittings. Can a person under infertility treatment start laser?Yes. The laser will never harm your treatment and this can also be done along with the treatment. The laser can be scheduled accordingly. What has to be done prior to laser?no precaution is mandatory before starting your LASER. A person can walk in and finish their treatment and continue with their work the next moment. What are all the areas that can be treated using the laser?Any part of the body can be treated without any side effects. Soprano ICE is designed to treat the hair on any part of the body with best results. How long should a person spend for laser treatment?Time of the session depends on the area to be treated. Approximately it takes 5 minutes to few hours. SOPRANO ICE used at Sanche Cosmetic Centre is specially designed for the whole body hair removal in just 4 hours. How much improvement can one expect after each sitting?Usually, there is a loss of hair of 20-25% in each sitting and the thickness of the hair gets lesser.How much gap should be given between each sitting?For the facial hair, one will have to expect sitting anywhere between 40-50 days. Body parts like hand and legs tend to grow back slowly when done with a good laser and will need repeat session after 2-2.5 months.Is laser treatment very expensive?The expense of the laser depends on the area to be treated. The expense which you spend here gives you a permanent solution for the hair loss and comparatively with the other temporary hair removal procedures is very satisfactory. Also Read: Traumatic Stiffness Of Elbow Joint | HIP Replacement
The Madurai Marathon – Devadoss Hospital

Madurai Marathon- it refers to the long distance race I that covers a length of 26 miles and 385 yards. ‘The word marathon is of Greek origin, which refers to the place called Marathon in Greece. The marathon is intimated as an honor to the ‘Greek soldier, Pheldippides, who ran from Marathon to Athens to announce their victory over Persians in the Battle of Marathon. Pheidippides, Battle of Marathon:Battle of Marathon took place in 490 BC. This is the first Persian invasion against Greece. This is was the culmination that Persian to subjugate Greece. But the great Greece army fought against Persian army and finally won the battle. One of the soldiers of Greece named Pheidippides, made his way to Athens to tell about their victory against Persian. On his way to Athens, he ran the entire distance, without stopping, finally, he burst into the assembly telling “we have won“. After telling those words he got collapsed and died. This account of run from Marathon to Athens was first given in the record of Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus, a greek biographer, and essayist. On Glory ofAthens in 1st century AD. Here the name of the runner is given either as Thersipus of Erchius or Eucleus. Also, Lucian of Samosata, who was a rhetorician and satirist, gives the story of the running but gave the name of the runner as Pheidippides. Herodotus, father of history, in one of his manuscripts, that Pheidippides was a greek messenger who ran from Athens to Sparta for seeking help for a distance of about 240 kilometers and ran back the same way but he did not tell anything about his running from Marathon to Athens. Marathon in Olympics: Olympics was started in the year 1896 and the initiators and organizers and the founder Pierre de Coubertin supported the great event Marathon. Many greeks took part in this Marathon event. The main Marathon route was Marathon-Athen Highway when the Olympics had started. The Olympics Marathon selection took place on 10 March 1896, and this was won by Charilaos Vasilakos in 3 hours 18 minutes. The first Olympic marathon took place in on 10 April 1896 (a male-only race), was Spyridon Louis, a Greek water-carrier, in 2 hours 58 minutes and 50 seconds. The marathon of 2004 summer run was run on the traditional route from Marathon to Athens ending at Panathinaiko stadium, the venue for the 1896 Summer Olympics. That men’s marathon was won by Italian Stefano Baldini 2 hours 10 minutes and 55 seconds, a record time for this route until the non-Olympics Athens classic Marathon of 2014 when Felix Kandie lowered the course record to 2 hours 10 minutes and 37 seconds. Then the women’s marathon was introduced at 1984 summer Olympics took place in Los Angeles was won by Joan Benoit of the USA in 2 hrs 24 minutes and 52 seconds. Initially the marathon start and ends at the stadium but in 2016 Rio Olympics as well as in 2012 London Olympics the start and end of the marathon were the parade area that serves as the spectator mall of Carnival and The Mall respectively.The Olympic men’s record is 2:06:32, set at the 2008 Summer Olympics by Samuel Kamau Wanjiru of Kenya (average speed about 20.01 kilometers per hour or 12.43 miles per hour). The Olympic women’s record is 2:23:07, set at the 2012 Summer Olympics by Tiki Gelana of Ethiopia. Distance:At the beginning, distance the Marathon has not set to a fixed length but roughly it was set to 40 kilometers. But the exact length depends upon the route set by the venue. The International Olympic Committee had set a distance of 25 miles as the distance of the marathon in 1908 Olympics. But it them became as 26 miles starting from Windsor castle to the White city stadium followed by a lap covering a distance of 536 meters finishing in front of the Royal box. Later an alternate entry to the stadium had been with a partial lap of distance 385 yards. In May 1921 IAAF (International Amateur Athletic Federation) has standardized the distance to 42. 195 kilometers. Marathon races: Annually, there more than 500 marathon races that were held all over the world. Some of them were conducted by AIMS (Association of International Marathons and Distance Races). In 2006, the editors took a report on the “World top 10 Marathons” this included many marathons. The Boston marathon was the oldest annual marathon that was inspired by the success of the success of the 1896 Olympics and since 1897 as a remembrance of the Patriot’s Day. The intercontinental Istanbul Eurasia Marathon is the only marathon where the participants run over two continents (Europe and Asia ). In The Detroit free Press Marathon, the participants cross the US or Canada border twice. The Niagara falls International marathon the participants cross-border once. Wheelchair racing:The marathon also features the wheelchair racing. Here the wheelchair racing participants start their race before their counterparts. The first wheelchair race started at the year 1974 of toledo won by Bob Hall in 2:54. In 1975, the same person competed in Boston Marathon and introduced the wheelchair racing in Boston. The New York city Marathon initially banned the wheelchair racing for safety measures, then the rule passed in the year 1979 had stated that the New York city Marathon and the New York Road Runners club to allow wheelchair racing. As marathon has become more popular some athletes have undertaken many challenging events such as running a series of marathons and so on. The 100 Marathon club is the one that is focussing on the runners in the marathon who had completed more than 100 or more races. This mainly involves the marathons from the United Kingdom and Ireland. Some runners will compete in the same marathon many times. Also Explore: Physiotherapy Tips for Madurai Marathon Training | Tips for madurai marathon by Phsyical Threapists
The Madurai Marathon 2017 Prizes | Media Partners

The Madurai Marathon 2017 The name itself is been clear that this event will connect two traditional terms the Madurai and the Marathon. As we know Madurai is one of the oldest traditional city across the globe and Marathon is a long distance running game with an official distance of 42.19 kilometers. It is an ultimate athletic effort where the human body, mind soul are tested to their limits.The Devadoss Multispeciality Hospital Madurai proudly presents The Madurai Marathon 2017 event with an agenda of “LET’S RUN TO MAKE A HEALTHY NATION” and the winners will get 1 lakh prizes worth. Both Men and Women at any age category are eligible for this event and of course, this event will be conducted for both of genders separately. The distance including for this event for men is 8.9 KM and for women is 4.5Km. This origin of run starts from Devadoss hospital till the destination of MGR Stadium (Racecourse). The Event Venue, Registration, and prizes details are given below: Event Venue and time: Devadoss Hospital Madurai. 08th Jan 2016, Sunday @6AM Registration fee: Rs 150/- Prizes for Finishers: 1st Finisher – Rs.100000 worth prizes (50k for Male and 50k for Female) 2nd Finishers – Rs.50000 worth prizes (25k for Male and 25K for Female) 3rd Finishers – Rs.20000 worth prizes (10k for Male and 10K for Female) 4 to 50th Finishers – Gift coupons, Medal and completion certificate 51 to 100 Finishers – Medal and completion certificate Special Kit Bag for all participants that include T-Shirt and BIB You can register through online at our portal address of, also we available through our hotline number of 9677715937,73977711672 Last but not the least, the sponsors for this auspicious event are Our online partner is myWedjat 360° Healthcare, the most known healthcare portal who is selling health-related products and medicines. Our Media partner is The Hindu Newspaper, the most selling newspaper across India. Our Radio partner is Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM, the most famous Radio channel in Tamil Nadu Our Mall partner is Vishaal De Mal, one of the biggest Mall in Madurai city.
Devadoss Multispeciality Hospital Performs Cardiac Surgery for Kids

Welcome to our dedicated world of cardiac surgery for kids, where we specialize in providing comprehensive care for the unique hearts of children. Our expert team is committed to ensuring the well-being of young patients through advanced surgical procedures and compassionate support. At Devados Multi Speciality Hotel, we understand the delicate nature of pediatric cardiac health, and we strive to deliver the highest quality care tailored to meet the specific needs of each child. Join us on a journey where expertise, innovation, and empathy come together to make a difference in the lives of our youngest patients ADVANCED TREATMENT FOR HEART DISEASE BY DEVADOSS HOSPITAL In the history of South TamilNadu, Devadoss hospital provides an advanced treatment to a four and half years child to treat his heart disease.A child named Aakash residing at Kambam in Theni district suffered from heart disease from the time of his birth.The child’s parent took him to a government hospital for his treatment.But there he was kept waiting and not treated by doctors.As the child was from poor background he cannot afford at private hospital.At that time, they attended a camp conducted by Little Moppet Heart Foundation and doctors diagnosed him.After diagnosis, it was found that Aakash was suffering from heart disease and a disorder functionality of lung.After diagnosis he was admitted in Devadoss Hospital, Madurai.Doctors started their treatment for Aakash and they found that he had a hole in between the two chambers of heart.Doctors gave him an advanced treatment to cure his disease and now Aakash is surviving well. MINIMAL INVASIVE CARDIAC SURGERY FOR KIDS BY MADURAI HOSPITAL For the first time in the history of South TamilNadu, Minimally invasive cardiac surgery was done for a 4.5 years kid of 16 kg weight by Devadoss Hospital.Aakash, a 4.5 years child of 16 kg was born with a hole in his heart.His parents are daily wages at a farm in Kambam.So they are not able to afford money for their son’s treatment.They went to a government hospital for his treatment.In that hospital, doctor told them to wait for 1 year and no proper treatment was given to the child.One of their relatives referred them to a free medical camp conducted by Little Moppet Heart Foundation.After examining him, doctors said that child was suffering from congenital heart disease, an Ostium secendum type of Atrial Septal Defect with Moderate Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension.Then he was admitted at Devadoss Hospital, Madurai.Dr.Gopi Nallaiyan, Consultant and Paediatric Cardiac surgeon diagnosed him and he made the ASD closure by a small incision in the middle of the chest(Lower partial sternotomy).While addressing the media person, Dr.Gopi Nallaiyan said,”Generally, such minimally invasive small incision cardiac surgeries were performed on adults, but here, it was done on a 4.5year old boy weighing 16 kg only.Besides, they are usually done through the side of the chest wall,and with another incision in the thigh for cardio pulmonary bypass.But in Aakash ‘s case, the entire procedure was done through a small incision in the middle of the chest”. MINI-STERNOTOMY DONE ON 4-YEAR-OLD CHILD A four and half child named S.Aakash was with Atrial Septal Defect(ASD),a congenital heart disease referring to a hole in the wall bifurcating two upper chambers of the heart was cured through mini-sternotomy,a minimally invasive open heart surgery at Devadoss Hospital, Madurai.S.Aakash is a son of a daily wager working at Kambam,Theni was often suffering from respiratory tract infection because of the disease.But the local government hospital asked them to wait for 1 year.One of their relatives adviced them to attend a medical camp conducted by Little Moppet Heart Foundation.From there he was referred to Devadoss Hospital, Madurai. Dr.Gopi Nallaiyan, Consultant Paediatric Cardiac Surgeon at the hospital diagnosed him.After diagnosing, initially they drop the option for surgery as the hole was too large.The team then decided to do open heart surgery.Usually the surgery was made to adults with two incisions- one through side chest wall and another in thigh.But the boy was weighing just 16 kgs, the doctors had to manage with a single incision in the middle of the chest.The surgery was done and the tubes for heart-lung machine were connected through this single incision which requires an extremely delicate approach.But in contrary to adults, the full length of the chest bone (sternum) Will be cut for open surgery.Doctor said that only half of the chest bone was cut for the boy.So only it is called as mini-sternotomy.Hospital authority said it was the first such procedure surgery done in the southern part of TamilNadu under Chief Minister’s Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme. AN ADVANCED CARDIAC SURGERY FOR KIDS IN MADURAIA 4.5 years child undergoes a lower section sternotomy at Devadoss Hospital, Madurai. Regarding this surgery, Dr.Gopi Nallaiyan said that a child named Aakash residing at Kambani in Theni was suffering from heart disease from the time of his birth.Many doctors suggested that surgery cannot be done to the child as he is only 4.5 years.In this situation he was brought to Devadoss Hospital for treatment.After diagnosing, it was found that he was suffering with a hole inbetween the two chambers of heart.For this, surgery was preferred by doctors.But this type of surgery was done in Chennai only with a cost of Rs.3 lakhs to Rs.5 lakhs.This surgery was usually done for persons weighing above 25 kgs.The doctors of Devadoss Hospital made this surgery to Aakash for the first time in the southern part of TamilNadu.It took 5 hours for the surgery to complete with the cost of Rs.1 lakh to Rs.2.5 lakhs.This surgery was named as Lower Section Sternotomy. AN ADVANCED CARDIAC SURGERY FOR KIDS (4.5) YEARS CHILD BY DOCTORS OF DEVADOSS HOSPITAL Elankumar, a resident at Kambam in Theni District.His son’s name is Aakash with 4.5 years.Aakash was suffering from heart disease from the time of his birth.In this situation he was admitted at Devadoss Hospital, Madurai for his treatment.Cardiology doctors examined him and found that he had a hole inbetween the two chambers of heart.After this, a surgery was done
Tips For a Safe Madurai Marathon by Physical Therapist’s

A madurai marathon race may hold in both competitive and healthy manner.From childhood itself, we start our running. Schools are encouraged to race by setting competitions.In a race, the destination is set to reach within a particular time.Some race as an athlete for winning and some race to stay healthy.Anyway a race set goals for everyone.A recent study says that runners have longer lifespans than nonrunners. in this article explore tips for madurai marathon by physical therapists How to run safely? Physical therapists give tips for running safely. They advise performing some activities such as warming session before running for a race.They care for improving health by racing and also helps to restore the injuries. Most of the physical therapists are runners themselves and they set a strategy for running safely. What physical therapists advice? Let ‘s see what are the guidelines given by physical therapists for racing safe. Before beginning a race, it is important to adapt our body for running. Beginners should adapt their body for a race by gradually increasing the speed and distance. Beginners should not put too much stress on winning in their first competition without a proper training. This may lead to an injury. Runners in their mid age 30s and above should consider their age when returning to run. They should not increase their running distance for more than 10 percent per week which will be unsafe.So physiotherapists advice to train well before running well. How the training should be? During training, the relaxation time should be given to the trainers. It is not a break for them but it is to restart them by relaxing their muscles. It is advisable for runners at their master’s level(40 ‘s) to take the recovery time for every third week instead of the fourth week in a marathon training program. Runners should know how to handle the pain, They should know which pain should be handled and which to be taken to notice.Some pains such as which occurs at a specific area for a long time, which occurs regularly in a particular area and which persists after a run for a long time should be noticed and treated.Runners should take a healthy diet before racing to maintain their stability and it is compulsory to take bananas in their dessert. Tips for Madurai Marathon Racing: Race day is the most important day for the runners. Nervousness should be avoided which may lead to nausea. For racing, shoes should be comfortable so that they can race easily without any flaws. Wear shoes that are used for 2-3 weeks training before racing. New shoes may give discomfort and may result in unexpected pain. Races are energizing so that many runners get out of the gate too quickly.So choose your split and run consciously. Types of Injuries and ways to prevent it: Injuries may occur during racing.Female runners may experience hip pain due to body imbalance. They should take physical therapists advice to maintain the balance.Knee injuries are the most common for runners.This is due to over-striding.Over-striding means the foot lands far from the body causing the leg to take an unnecessary stress that can injure the knee. Injuries can be prevented by warming up session before running.This helps to activate the muscles.Beginners should not take more running practice in a week instead they should do swimming, biking as a part of practice.Strength training also helps in improving the strength to the core and improves your running. For many injuries, a small break from running can heal the tissue.During this period, tissues will repair themselves. Planning a race day: Planning for a race day is the most factor for success.At least one week before your race should run daily as a practice.As I told earlier, you should be able to make a regular diet with rich protein supplements and decide on the shoes and clothes you wear for the race.Runners should stay hydrated and at least 8 hours of sleep should be taken. These are the necessary tips for a safe run given by physical therapists.
Physiotherapy Tips for Injuries During Madurai Marathon Training

Madurai Marathon training tip: Optimize your Madurai Marathon training with a focused 4-week plan, prioritizing regular adherence to your schedule, maintaining running standards, and incorporating a daily healthy diet supplement. As race day approaches, gradually decrease your running distance and prioritize ample rest for peak performance. Advices for curing injuries: If any injury happens during training, don’t ignore to take care of it. If serious injuries such as fracture and tear of muscle/tendon/ligament occurs, consult a physiotherapists immediately. If any injuries can be managed for 3-4 days, take precaution steps by doing massage.If any injury cannot get settled within 3-5 days, consult a physiotherapists and diagnose it. During training, if no injuries are felt avoid unnecessary massage and new running strategies.Continue the precaution methods to get avoided from injuries. Racing tip: On racing day, arrange the necessary things required for racing such as shoes ,clothes and first aid kit and make it ready.Before running warm up session should be made to make the muscles stretched for getting ready to race.Warm up should be done for both pre-running and post running.Pre-running warm up helps to stretch large muscles by increasing joint ranges of motion.Jogging for 10 to 15 minutes will help for race.Post-running warm up helps to get relax after running.Cool down for 2 to 3 minutes and do stretches.During racing, if any injury or dehydration happens don’t continue to race. Explore More: Madurai Marathon 2017 Types of injuries and precautions: These are the tips given by physiotherapists for injuries during marathon training.This helps runners to get a view about injuries and it helps to enhance their training without any flaws.
Dental Care Tips

Why is Dental Care important? Teeth is one of the important factors which gives shape to the face and also it helps in speech.Teeth decides the health factor also. Because it helps in grinding the food which we intake. So the dental care tips is very important to protect the teeth. Explore More: ENT specialist in Madurai | Skin doctor in madurai | spine surgery hospital in madhurai General reasons that may affect a teeth: Mouth is the gateway to our body.If there is any damage or infection in the teeth, it may affect the health.The most general reason for the teeth ache is cavities.This is the most common factor among adults and children who intakes plenty of chocolates.There may be a loss of teeth due to diseases or injuries.There is a lot of possibilities which may affect the healthy teeth.To avoid a major problem in the teeth, it should be taken care regularly. Common dental diseases and treatment for them: The most common dental diseases are Dental caries: Dental caries is the most common disease among the population.It affects all the ages from children to adults.It is common for children who takes an excess of sweets and gives little attention to brushing.It is the demineralization of enamel and dentine by an acid attack by bacteria.And also causes fits and pressures that are prone to caries. Treatment for Dental Caries: Dental caries is treated by tooth-colored filling or root canal therapy depending on the stage of caries.Fluorides are useful in preventing Dental caries.Fluorides combine with tooth enamel and it will make the teeth to be less resistant to acid attack.So, fluoride toothpaste is recommended for dental caries for the age above 5 years. Periodontal disease(gum disease): This is the most common disease next to Dental caries.Bleeding in the gum, bad breath, swollen gums are the symptoms of gum disease.This may be caused due to the negligence of oral health. Treatment for Gum Disease: Proper Dental Care and periodic visits to dentists for scaling will prevent from this disease.And also brushing the teeth before going to bed is the most important factor to prevent this disease. Maligned teeth: Maligned teeth are the disorder arrangements of teeth.This may affect the shape of the face.This is due to genetic inheritance.The disorder arrangement of teeth may affect the continuous speech also. Treatment for maligned teeth: Maligned teeth can be treated and corrected by Orthodontic treatment.After the treatment, the shape of the face will change so that the patient gets a good looking appearance and speech can be restored to normal form. Oral cancer: Oral cancer is a type of cancer that may be caused due to smoking or by chewing tobacco and Betel continuously.One should not start these habits or it should be quit if already continuing.For regular use of tobacco and betels, it may cause the teeth as colored due to stains on it. Treatment for stains in teeth: The stains in the teeth will be treated by bleaching if necessary.Bleaching of teeth is done by using carbamide peroxide.It removes the stains in the teeth.It is done either in the office or at home itself.This bleaching polishes the teeth and makes it shine. Broken teeth: Dental injuries may be caused due to accidents, sports injuries, first fighting, diving during swimming, abuse of teeth, photocured etc. Treatment to restore broken teeth: Broken teeth can be easily restored to its original shape photocurable composite or ceramic crown.This may help the teeth to look back to it as original. Mouth ulcer: Ulcers in the mouth that are not healing for more than 15 days should be evaluated by the dentists.Because the dentists only know the possible cause to eliminate and follow it periodically. Dental Care Tips by Dentists: Some of the dental care tips by dentists are suggested below for healthy tip.
Latest Heart Diagnostic Center

Heart Diagnostic Center: Advanced Care for Cardiovascular Wellness Devadoss Multispeciality Hospital, a premier healthcare institution, offers state-of-the-art heart care services, including an advanced Heart Diagnostic Center, providing extensive diagnostics and treatment for various heart diseases. Explore More: Cardiothoracic surgery hospital in madhurai | Best Cardiologist hospital in madhurai SPECIAL OFFERS: Devadoss hospital provides special offers for heart care treatments under Government Medical Insurance Scheme. The cost for Angiogram treatment is Rs.9990 and the patient can return home after the treatment on that day itself. The cost of all advanced cardio checkup is Rs.3500 but here the rate is Rs.950 only. Devadoss hospital provides world-class treatments at low cost for the benefit of people. DOCTOR’S OPINION ABOUT HEART CARE TREATMENT: Dr.R.Saravanan M.D., D.M, Cardio specialist says that the heart diseases are common for all age groups from children to adults. To prevent from these diseases, preventive measures to be taken. Particularly, a heart attack is the most common and the patient should be treated within one hour of the attack. Devadoss hospital provides advanced treatment to the patients for curing the disease. In the past four months, Angiogram treatment is done for 100 people and Angioplasty for more than 40 people. And also ortho treatments and child speciality treatments are provided. They provide 24 hours emergency care treatment for all types of diseases. Devadoss multispeciality hospital provides advanced treatments for heart, ortho, and other departments also. Read More: What should i do in case of sudden cardiac arrest?